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A Little of This and That

7:20 AM
I'm skipping Frugal Find Friday this week, but it will return next week for sure! 

I've been under the weather, but life doesn't stop when Momma's sick! I am feeling a bit better today after medicine, soup, and rest yesterday. Got lots to do today so this is what will motivate me! Well, and maybe lots of coffee!

We've got a morning play date at Chic Fil A with some hot mommas from my neighborhood! We call ourselves TRHOTK. That's The Real Housewives, but I won't divulge our neighborhood in case someone crazy is reading this! 

Gotta run into Z Gallerie since this artwork that I recently purchased for the dining room is now 50% off!! Score! They're going to give me a credit! I love getting money back! 

Crate and Barrel is right next door so I'm going to stop in to see this bar cart in person. 

I just saw it in my catalog that came in the mail. Definitely not a frugal find at $599, but stunning! 

Hopefully I can hit up Ulta on the way back and finally find this polish. 

I've been on the hunt and every time they are out of stock! Isn't it glamorous?!

I've got a busy day! Hopefully I can accomplish all this! TGIF!



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